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Math Anxiety

This guide will help you deal with math anxiety and find resources to improve your math skills.

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Searching the catalog

Catalog search tips:

  • Type the subject of the books you want to find, such as algebra or mathematics, into the search box. 
  • To find books with practice math problems that you can complete, type in algebra problems
  • Use the filters on the side of the results page to limit the Resource Type to Books and the Location to Jefferson CTC.
  • If you want only the most recently published books, use the Sort By tool on the side of the results list page . Change from Relevance to Date-Newest.

Finding print books

The JCTC libraries organize their books according to Library of Congress Classification, which groups books on similar topics together. So all the books about mathematics should be shelved near one another.

Use the search tips at left to find a title using the library's online catalog. When you find a book that interests you, be sure to write down the call number -- it should look something like this: QA 157 .M28 2011.

Most math books will be in the QA section. Unsure where to find the QA section or any other LC class? Ask a librarian.

Here are a few of the more popular math books that we have in our library collection: