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APA Style

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Required Elements

Student papers written in APA format should have the following features: 

  • A title page
  • Page numbers
  • Text
  • Reference list

The APA Style does not require student papers to have a running head, abstracts, or keywords. However, some instructors may request a running head or an abstract so be sure to follow the guidelines set forth in your classes. 

Title Page

For the title page, follow the instructors guidelines. If no direction was provided, use the following format: 

  • The title of your paper in bold, centered, and in the upper half of the page (3-4 lines from the top)
  • A line of space after the title
  • Name of the author
  • Affiliation (meaning department or division), Name of college
  • Course number and name of course
  • Instructor's name
  • Assignment due date
  • Page number in top right corner

Other things to know about a title page: 

  • Double spaced.
  • Spell out the month (Example: September 12, 2020 rather than Sept. 12, 20).
  • Capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle.
  • Capitalize all major words in the title, including the second word in any hyphenated work (Example: English-Speaking).
  • Do not capitalize minor words that are three letters or shorter (Examples: as a, an, and, the).
  • Capitalize the words "is" and "be" even though they are short because they are verbs.
  • Do not include any extra spaces between elements (besides the space between the title and author).

Here is an example of a student paper: 

An example APA Title page. See attached document below

Adding Page Numbers

Click on Insert

Step 1. Click on Insert

Click on Page Number

Step 2. Click on Page Numbers

Select Top of Page

Step 3. Select Top of Page

Select Plain Number 3

Step 4. Select Plain Number 3

Click on Close Header

Step 5. Click on Close Header and Footer

You are finished and running numbers have been added to your paper!

If you followed these steps, you've successfully added running page numbers! 

Text & References

After the title page, you will begin your actual paper on a new page. The title of your paper should also be at the top of this page centered and bolded. 

The References list will also start on a new page with the word References centered and bolded at the top of the page. Your references will follow in alphabetical order. See the portion of this guide on the Reference list for further details.

Running Head

Running heads are only required for published articles unless specified by your instructor. The running head in an APA style paper can be a shortened version of the title written in all capital letters on the left across from the page number. Avoid abbreviations, but the ampersand (&) can be used. Running heads should be 50 words or less. 


Title: Student Success During Global Pandemic: Finding Ways to Help Them Succeed


You can see an example of a running head on the Purdue OWL

Abstract & Keywords

If your instructor requires an abstract, it should begin on a new page after the title page with a section label 'Abstract' centered at the top in bold letters. An abstracts is a short (up to 250 words) summary of the most important aspects of your paper. 

After the abstract, list three to five keywords that can point to the main themes of the paper. 

You can see an example of an abstract and keywords on the Purdue OWL