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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Literacy

This guide prepares you to learn more about how artificial intelligence works, how to spot common errors AI tools make, fact-checking and critical thinking strategies for AI, how to cite AI in an academic paper, and more!

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Further Information on AI

The list of AI-based tools is rapidly expanding. Check out this resource for a list of interesting tools you might be able to use for different purposes. If you'd like (and if you feel comfortable with the user agreements), check out a few of these tools and think about different purposes each one could be useful for.

More information

Explore these additional optional resources for more information on different topics mentioned in this Research Guide, as well as references for the content included in previous pages.

Machine learning & AI tools

Copyright and labor 

Bias & guardrails for AI

  • Learn about bias in AI: the gender shades video walks through a study of how well popular face-recognition software identifies people of different genders and skin types.
  • Explore an interactive graphic outlining different harm considerations of Large Language Models for universities to think about.


  • About. (n.d.). OpenAI. Retrieved July 6, 2023, from 

  • Asadi, N. (2023). ChatGPT and its Impact on Libraries - Intro to ChatGPT [panel presentation]

  • Bringing AI to School: Tips for School Leaders. (2023). [EBook]. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

  • Lardinois, F. (2019, July 16). Grammarly goes beyond grammar. Grammarly Goes Beyond Grammar | TechCrunch.

  • Pasick. (2023, March 27). Artificial Intelligence Glossary: Neural Networks and Other Terms Explained. The New York Times. Retrieved July 6, 2023, from 

  • PlayHT Homepage. (n.d.). PlayHT. Retrieved July 13, 2023, from

  • Stanford CRAFT: AI Literacy Resources. (2023). Retrieved July, 2023, from

  • Verma, P. (2023, February 6). What to know about OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. Washington Post.