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Faculty Learning Commons Information and Resources

Learning Commons services for faculty: Instruction requests, Room requests, Material requests, and External Accreditation support including material and evaluation.

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What is a Learning Commons Blackboard Package?

The Learning Commons Blackboard package is a resource that we put together for faculty to easily add to their course shells. The package itself provides students with easy access to the Learning Commons services and resources from within Blackboard. See the video below for an example of what this looks like in a Blackboard Ultra course shell. 

Join the Learning Commons Organization

Before you can add the Learning Commons package to your course shells, you must be a part of our Blackboard Organization. 

1. Log into Blackboard and on the Institution Page under Faculty Resources select eCommunity/Organization Management & Search.

Arrow pointing to eCommunity link


2. In the Organization Search box, type 'JCTC_Learning_Commons.'

3. Click on the grey down arrow and enroll in the organization. 

Now you have access to the Learning Commons' Blackboard organization. Within the organization, unless you are an FYE instructor, you will select Learning Commons. At the top you will see the package links and importing video. This is where you will find the information on how to add the package to your course shell. Underneath that section, you will see all the content that is within our package. If you encounter any problem with our packages, email