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What is KYVL?

The Kentucky Virtual Library, or KYVL, is an organization that provides all Kentuckians a comprehensive, online collection of information resources for all educational levels. Jefferson gets over 30 databases through KYVL including: 

  • Academic Search Complete
  • Alt-PressWatch
  • Ancestry Library Edition
  • Brittanica Academic
  • Career & Technical Education (ProQuest)
  • CINHAHL with Full Text (EBSCOHost)
  • Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
  • Learning Express Library
  • and many more! 

All of the KYVL databases have the small KYVL logo next to their title on Jefferson's A-Z Database List. You can even filter for KYVL databases specifically using the 'All Database Types' dropdown box.

You can view the databases through the official KYVL website, however, you'll need the KYVL password from a Jefferson librarian. We recommend that as a Jefferson student that you use the databases through the A-Z Database List directly.