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Paying for College in KY

Affording higher education 2019-2020

The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority publishes a new edition of Affording Higher Education every year so you have the most up–to–date information available to help you find sources of money to pay for college.

Paying for College

Have you ever been confused about the different ways to fund your college career? Use the table below to help clarify.

Type of Funding Will I Need to Repay? What is this Funding Based On?
Grants Not Usually  Typically based on financial need. Grants can also come from academic success, chosen career paths, or military service
Scholarships No Based on abilities, career direction, diversity, plus more, covering a wide variety of factors 
Student Loans Yes with Interest This is money that a student borrows to fund their education. Students can get loans through the Federal government or private companies.

What is SAP?

SAP stands for Satisfactory Academic Progress. There are Federal regulations in place for students receiving financial aid. Learn more about SAP at JCTC

Calculating Possible Federal Aid

Federal Student Aid FAFSA4caster

Can you afford to go to KCTCS? FAFSA4caster estimates your financial aid based on information you provide. 

Find Scholarships

Scholarships can help students pay for college. Check out the scholarships available at the following places:

What is Metropolitan College?

Metropolitan College is a partnership between UPS, the University of Louisville, and Jefferson Community & Technical College.  Students can work a 3rd shift job at UPS while attending either UofL or JCTC and receive tuition and book reimbursement money. Learn more about the program for yourself through the Metropolitan College website

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