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Constitution and Citizenship Day

A guide to information resources related to Jefferson's Constitution Day

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What does it mean to be a US citizen?

Becoming a US citizen comes with many benefits. Here are just a few: 

Right to Vote, Eligible for Federal Employment and Running for Office, Sponsor others for green cards, tax benefits, travel with us passport

How to become a US citizen

One place to start when applying for citizenship is with

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services has compiled a step-by-step list for becoming a citizen as well as links to the necessary forms. 

Studying for the Citizenship Test

Through JCTC, you have access to LearningExpress Library which has Citizenship practice tests, ebooks, flashcards and more under the Adult Core Skills - Become a U.S. Citizen section. You can also find useful social studies practice tests and tutorials under High School Equivalency Center - Prepare for the GED Test - Social Studies. You will need to create an account using your JCTC email.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services has created study materials for the test. 

Try out the interactive quizzes and games for practicing your knowledge of Citizen Test materials. 

KRM offers weekly in-person citizen preparation classes at multiple locations in Louisville and Lexington. 


Us Citizenship Test Study Guide 2021-2022
Citizenship in the 21st Century
Irregular Citizenship, Immigration, and Deportation
Fully human : Personhood, Citizenship, and Rights
Call Me American: A Memoir
Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen
Fragile Families: Foster Care, Immigration, and Citizenship


Civics 101

"How do landmark Supreme Court decisions affect our lives? What does the 2nd Amendment really say? Why does the Senate have so much power? Civics 101 is the podcast about how our democracy works…or is supposed to work, anyway." - Spotify

HUF Citizenship Podcast

"Magaly Alvarado Associate Director of Hispanic Unity of Florida and a special guest invited to talk about getting prepared for your U.S. Citizenship Interview. This information and tips are for everyone, especially those Legal permanent Residents eligible to apply for the U.S. citizenship." - Spotify