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Scholarly and/or Peer-Reviewed Articles

This research guide explains what your professor wants when he/she asks for peer-reviewed or scholarly articles.

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What are databases?

Databases provide access to articles from credible, well-known newspapers, magazines and journals. The library pays a subscription fee for several general and subject-specific databases for students and faculty to use.

Some databases contain scholarly content, like academic journals on a specific subject, and others contain articles from popular magazines such as Newsweek or Forbes. Databases may contain a mixture of content from both scholarly and popular sources.

Fortunately, most databases allow you to separate out only scholarly or peer-reviewed articles. Usually this involves clicking a box next to the term, limit to scholarly articles or limit search to peer-review. The screen shots below show you how to find those boxes.

EBSCOhost: The red arrow shows you where the box you need to check is located.

peer review ebscohost

Gale Databases: First select Academic Journals, then the top red arrow shows you where the box you need to check is located.

peer review gale

ProQuest: The red arrow shows you where the box you need to check is located.

peer review proquest

Databases you can use

These are the databases containing scholarly articles that are available to you as a JCTC student.

NOTE: If working off-campus, enter your KCTCS ID and Password (the same one you use for email or Blackboard) when prompted.

Tutorials showing how to search these databases are available on the page: Searching for scholarly articles.