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What was is the Equal Rights Amendment?

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed, but unratified, amendment to the United States Constitution. The ERA was first introduced in 1923 by Alice Paul. The amendment would affirm the rights of all citizens regardless of sex. Although it has not yet been ratified, there is still a great deal of support behind the cause. 



Learn more about the Equal Rights Amendment:

Girls just wanna have fundamental rights


Women fighting for ERA

Here are some of those who have fought for the ERA: 

  • Alice Paul (1885 - 1977) was a militant suffragist who was arrested multiple times fighting for women's rights. Paul organized marches and protests. After obtaining a law degree, she wrote the first equal rights amendment to the Constitution. 
  • Betty Friedan (1921 - 2006), the author of The Feminine Mystique, cofounder of the National Organization for Women (NOW) 
  • Gloria Steinem (1934) is a feminist, political activist and author. 
  • Dorothy Pitman Hughes (1938) started in activism by raising money for civil rights protesters. From there she moved towards women's rights championing for child-care services.