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International Suffrage Movement

The suffrage movement did not happen in an isolated way. Women made transatlantic connections where they encouraged and learned from one another. You can read more about how connected the suffrage movements were globally in this article by Katherine Marino

Suffrage Timeline Video

Suffrage Timeline

A glimpse of suffrage internationally through the years

  • 1893: New Zealand is the first country to grant equal voting rights to women. 
  • 1906: Finland adopts woman suffrage. 
  • 1913: Norway adopts full woman suffrage. 
  • 1917: After the Russian Czar is removed, the Provisional Government grants full voting rights to women. Later, the new Soviet Russian constitution includes full suffrage. 
  • 1918: Germany grants women the right to vote. 
  • 1918: Austria, Latvia, Poland, and Estonia extend suffrage to women. 
  • 1919: Netherlands, Belarus, Luxembourg, and Ukraine grant suffrage to women. 
  • 1919: Netherlands and Belgium give women the right to vote.
  • 1920: The United States grants full woman suffrage after Tennessee ratifies the 19th Amendment.  
  • 1921: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Lithuania grants women the right to vote. 
  • 1922: Burma grants women voting rights
  • 1924: Mongolia, St. Lucia, and Tajikistan give suffrage to women.  
  • 1927: Turkmenistan grants woman suffrage. 
  • 1928: The United Kingdom grants equal voting rights to women. 
  • 1928: Guyana grants woman suffrage. 
  • 1929: Ecuador grants suffrage. 
  • 1930: Turkey grants women the right to vote. 
  • 1931: Spain and Sri Lanka grant full suffrage. 
  • 1932: Uruguay, Thailand, and Maldives grant woman suffrage. 
  • 1934: Cuba and Brazil adopt woman suffrage. 
  • 1935: Myanmar grants women the right to vote. 
  • 1937: The Philippines grants women full suffrage. 
  • 1938: Bolivia grants women the right to vote. 
  • 1938: Uzbekistan grants full suffrage to women. 
  • 1939: El Salvador grants voting rights to women. 
  • 1942: Dominican Republic grants full suffrage to women. 
  • 1945: Croatia, Indonesia, Italy, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Senegal, and Ireland grant suffrage to women. 
  • 1946: Palestine, Kenya, Liberia, Cameroon, Guatemala, Venezuela, and Vietnam adopted woman suffrage. 
  • 1947: Bulgaria, Malta, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, and Argentina grant suffrage to women. 
  • 1948: Israel, Iraq, Korea, Niger, Surinam adopt woman suffrage. 
  • 1949: Bosnia and Herzegovina grant woman suffrage. 
  • 1949: China and Costa Rico give women the right to vote. 
  • 1949: Syrian Arab Republic grants women the right to vote. 
  • 1949/1950: India grants woman suffrage. 
  • 1954: Ghana, Colombia, and Belize grant woman suffrage. 
  • 1955: Cambodia, Ethiopia, Peru, Honduras, and Nicaragua adopt woman suffrage. 
  • 1956: Egypt, Somalia, Mauritius, Mali and Benin grant woman suffrage. 
  • 1957: Malaysia extends suffrage to women. 
  • 1959: Madagascar and Tanzania grant suffrage to women. 
  • 1960: Cyprus, Gambia, and Tonga grant suffrage tp women. 
  • 1961: Burundi, Paraguay, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone adopt woman suffrage. 
  • 1962: Algeria, Monaco, Uganda, and Zambia adopt woman suffrage. 
  • 1963: Morocco, Congo, and Kenya grant woman suffrage. 
  • 1965: Afghanistan, Botswana, and Lesotho grant full suffrage to women. 
  • 1970: Yemen adopts full suffrage. 
  • 1971: Switzerland adopts woman suffrage. 
  • 1972: Bangladesh grants woman suffrage. 
  • 1973: Bahrain grants full suffrage to women. 
  • 1974: Jordan and the Solomon Islands extend suffrage to women. 
  • 1975: Angola, Cape Verde, and Mozambique give suffrage to women. 
  • 1979: Marshall Islands and Micronesia grant full woman suffrage. 
  • 1980: Iran gives women the right to vote. 
  • 1984: Liechtenstein grants full suffrage to women. 
  • 1990: Samoan women gain full suffrage. 
  • 1994: Kazakhstan grands full suffrage. 
  • 2005: Kuwait gives women full suffrage.