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Americans Who Tell The Truth

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For Your Syllabus

We have created a brief syllabus entry for Americans Who Tell the Truth. Please see the attached document: 

PowerPoint Presentation

You can use this PowerPoint with your students as in introduction to the Americans Who Tell The Truth project. 


Michele Hemenway Pullen has created several different assignments that can be used in your classes. Explore them below: 

Documentary Showing

Richard Kane's documentary, Truth Tellers, will be presented November 9th in Health Sciences Hall Room 166A at 7pm. Watch the trailer below: 

Truth Tellers Official Trailer from Kane Lewis Productions on Vimeo.

Use the attached flyer to promote the film showing to your students and the guide for having them reflect on the film afterwards.

Website Tour

Michele Pullen Hemenway has created a tour of the Americans Who Tell the Truth website. You can show this to your students or embed it in your class with the link or embed code. 



Here is the link:

Or the embed code: 

<iframe title='Embedded Media titled: AWTTWEBSITE TOUR' width="560"  height="315"  src="" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen loading="lazy"></iframe>


Michele Hemenway Pullen is the Project Coordinator for the Americans Who Tell The Truth project at Jefferson. If you have any questions or comments about the project, please email Michele at with the subject line "AWTT."