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Portrait by Robert Shetterly courtesy of Americans Who Tell the Truth.
Lily Yeh
Artist, Social Pioneer : b. 1941
When I see brokenness, poverty and crime in inner cities, I also see the enormous potential and readiness for transformation and rebirth. We are creating an art form that comes from the heart and reflects the pain and sorrow of people's lives. It also expresses joy, beauty, and love. This process lays the foundation of building a genuine community in which people are reconnected with their families, sustained by meaningful work, nurtured by the care from each other and will together raise and educate their children. Then we witness social change in action.
Learn more about Lily Yeh on the Americans Who Tell the Truth website.
The Learning Commons has a license for the documentary, The Barefoot Artist, which explores the life and work of Lily Yeh. Watch it to learn more about her incredible contributions to humanity.
Articles by or about Lily Yeh: