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Portrait by Robert Shetterly courtesy of Americans Who Tell the Truth.
Maulian Dana
Tribal Ambassador, Human Rights Activist, and Poet : b. 1984
There is power in unity. When tribal nations are seen as sovereign bodies we can work together toward a better relationship with other governments. When cities and towns celebrate Indigenous People's Day, a foundation of trust and understanding can be created. When we are seen as people and not stereotypes or mascots, we can build on shared humanity. It is truly all about respect.
Learn more about Maulian Dana on the Americans Who Tell the Truth website.
The Chilocco History Project developed this graphic novel. It compiles lived experiences, interviews, photographs and more. Read the Chilocco Indian School: A Generational Story.
There is also a documentary that can be watched titled Chilocco Through the Years:
Watch the 4-part series, Exterminate All the Brutes, that looks at the history of colonialism in Africa and the Americas. This series is available through Films on Demand, but you may be prompted to log in with your Jefferson username and password.