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What is Ableism?

Merriam-Webster defines ableism as prejudice against individuals with disabilities. Ableism discriminates against people for their physical, intellectual, or psychiatric differences. Ability-based prejudices can take the form of exclusive attitudes from non-disabled people and denial of access. 

Learn more about ableism on the following websites:

Ableist Language

Learn more about ableist language: 

Accessibility & Representation

Accessibility is the "ability to access," regardless of disabilities or special needs. Accessibility alludes to products, services, and environments. Sometimes this is referred to as Universal Design.

Representation in media for disabled individuals can often be frustrating. From non-disabled actors and actresses portraying disabled characters to characters written who further stereotypes to news stories that sensationalize friendships between non-disabled and disabled people, the media has much room for improvement. 

The Disability Visibility Project is an organization towards bringing disabled voices to the forefront. 

You can even read what the United Nations has to say about Disability and the Media. 

Support the Disability Community

Are you interested in Disability-Awareness at Jefferson?

Get involved by participating with the Disability Awareness Organization (DOA) on campus! 

The Access*Ability Resource Center (ARC) can help students with disabilities receive services or accommodations. Their office is located in Room 319 Chestnut Hall, on the Downtown Campus. 

Check out Rooted in Rights, an organization that uses stories of change the narrative surrounding disabilities, mental health, and chronic illnesses. 

Follow The Body Is Not An Apology's Disability blog that features different authors and varying topics. 

Do you use Twitter? Here are 50 Disability Rights and Inclusion Organizations worth following. 

The Disability Rights Advocates is a nonprofit organization that works to advance the rights of disabled people across the nation.