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What is Sexism?

Sexism is prejudice or discrimination against someone on the basis of their sex or gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but it typically directed towards women and girls. The evidence of sexism can be seen in everyday language, the pay gap, and so many more facets of life. 

Learn more about Sexism: 

Women holding sign that says "Girls just wanna have fundamental rights"

Fighting Sexism

International Women's Day is a global day of celebration on the social, economical, and political achievements. There is also a call to action that continues throughout the year. 

The American Association of University Women works to promote equity and education for women and girls. 

Lean In is an organization with the mission to help women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal word. They have various initiatives running that support women. 

According to the World Economic Forum, the Unites States will not achieve gender equality for another 208 years. Equality Can't Wait promotes change through actionable steps and comedy. 

The United Nations created a campaign called The Spotlight Initiative dedicated to eliminating violence against women and girls.

Blogs & Podcasts



  • Lean In has created a podcast called Tilted that explores gender biases and how they effect our lives. 
  • I Want Her Job is a podcast where the successful women in various jobs are interviewed for the benefit of women and girls considering their future careers.