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What Is In-Person Tutoring?

With in-person tutoring, you meet with a tutor at the Learning Commons on the Downtown or Southwest campus. Tutoring can be found: 

  • Downtown: 2nd floor of Smith Library (near the elevator)
  • Southwest: 1st floor of Learning Commons/Library (toward the back)

We can help with course content, writing, research/reference, computer/Blackboard, reading and study skills. Not sure which kind of help you need? Learn more in this handout on which reason to pick

Making an Appointment and Dropping In

We recommend that you make an appointment for in-person tutoring to make sure that a spot is reserved for you, but if you don't have an appointment, please stop by our Downtown and Southwest locations to see if we have an opening!


Use the button below to schedule or enter an appointment for in-person and live video tutoring.


Schedule and Enter Appointments

For more information, see our detailed instructions for using TracCloud to schedule an appointment.

If you need additional help or have questions about the process, you can call, text, email, or chat with librarians through Ask a Librarian

After Scheduling an Appointment

Not sure what to do after scheduling your appointment?

Upload any documents related to your session into TracCloud. These documents include things like the assignment prompt, an essay draft and the course syllabus. The more you share, the more helpful your tutors can be. Here is how to attach a document to your TracCloud appointment.

If you can’t come to your appointment, please cancel in advance. See our instructions on canceling appointments.

You can access TracCloud at

Need More Help?

If you need additional help or have questions about the process, email or call 502-213-2213. You can also call, text, email, or chat with librarians through Ask a Librarian

You can also get help by stopping by one of the in-person tutoring locations:

  • Downtown: 2nd floor of Smith Library (near the elevator)
  • Southwest: 1st floor of Learning Commons/Library (toward the back)