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Reset your JCTC password:
Then it's time to change your password. Make sure it is at least 12 characters long!
Note: It is encouraged to use a passphrase instead of just a word. Having trouble coming up with a passphrase? Try picking a phrase containing multiple words.
Example passphrase: Just-Gotta-Graduate-99
Pass-words are old-school, get with the times! Pass-phrases are the only way to go! Make a Pass Phrase with the help of this website.
Check the strength of your current pass words and phrases with this website
Scammers are out there!
What is the best way to keep my accounts safe? Two Factor Authentication! (or 2FA)
Having one more step to logging into your accounts can seem annoying, but you're not the only one who thinks so! If someone is trying to hack your account, 2FA is the second step that will save your accounts!!
So what is it?
2FA is a way to verify that you are the one logging into your accounts. You are more probably familiar with it than you might think. Have you ever had to enter a code sent to you from a website you are trying to log into? That's 2FA!